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ADI #:INT-KLCDS-GR Model #: INT-KLCDS-GR Nazwa: SATEL INT-KLCDS-GR LCD keypad, type S, green backlighting
Keypad and display backlight
LEDs for system state indication
Keypad hold-down PANIC, FIRE and AUX alarms
Przegląd produktów
Informacje ogólne
LCD Keypads are intended for daily operation of the INTEGRA systems. With the display showing text messages, even advanced functionalities of the alarm control unit are simple and convenient.
Główne cechy
Keypad and display backlight
LEDs for system state indication
Keypad hold-down PANIC, FIRE and AUX alarms
Buzzer for acoustic signaling
Two zones expansion
Panel communication loss indication
RS-232 For supervision and management applications GUARDX
Kategoria : Centrale alarmowe i klawiatury, Klawiatury, Produkty, Systemy alarmowe