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LST BC600-8L2S/INT1 Modułowa Centrala Sygnalizacji Pożaru BC600-8L2S/INT1 w obudowie naściennej z wyświetlaczem i polem obsługi.

Marka: Labor Strauss
ADI #:BC600-8L2S/INT1 Model #: 211200  Nazwa: LST BC600-8L2S/INT1 Modular Fire Panel BC600-8L2S/INT1 in wall-mounted housing with display and control panel.
  • The control panel housing can be equipped with up to 8 function modules (e.g., Conventional Detector Interface GIF608-1, Loop Interface LIF601-1, Fire Brigade Interface FWI600-1)
  • The integrated display and operating field consists of a 1/4 VGA graphics display, the LED displays as well as a membrane keypad
  • The door of the housing is provided with 3 mounting spaces for optional expansions such as a LED button field, a front panel printer or a fire brigade control unit

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